The pedagogical project of UNISC’s undergraduate course in Physiotherapy was built collectively, understanding students as subjects of the teaching-learning process and having teachers working as mediators and facilitators in this process, going beyond classroom, searching for other locus where students can investigate, discuss and learn. It is because of this curriculum that it is possible to build a generalist, critic and instigative academic path integrated with research and extension. The curriculum is based on pillars that encourage, update and qualify teaching and allow the student to have a learning process contextualized to their social reality, connected to the professional context and State policies, not mentioning the values that make UNISC a high quality communitarian institution.
Joining scientific knowledge and working skills, the physiotherapist invests not only in methods and techniques to solve problems linkeddirectly to rehabilitation, but also promoting health in a wider way, being guided by professional knowledge and experience. Such methodologies allow the students to integrate their knowledge with several other fields inside health, education and, sometimes, engineering. This way, their interventions are covered in all health care levels: health promotion, maintenance, prevention, protection, and recovery and disease prevention programs always committed with human beings, respecting and appraising them entirely.
The students’ learning process is based on scientific-technological knowledge, including skills and competencies that will allow them to deal with different needs in all segments of society. Moreover, students experience interdisciplinary and multi-professional situations in events related to teaching, research and extension, training to work in a wider number of situations and team up with professionals from several fields like: health, work, education, management and social control.