The Social Services undergraduate course offered at UNISC aims at training Social Workers to be equipped with generalist intellectual and cultural training. The professionals must be critic, skilled and committed to face different social issues, besides being able to work in formulating and executing social policies and programs in three sectors (government, non-government and business) from several fields including health, social assistance, education, housing, justice and work. Moreover, the theoretical-methodological and ethic-political-operative training comprehends continuous thoughts based in teaching, research and extension studies.
Special skills and competencies from professional training focus on developing activities related to: creating and implementing social policies inside public administration bodies, companies and civil society organizations; creating, carrying out and assessing social plans, programs and projects; allowing users to participate in institutional decision making processes; planning, organizing and managing benefits and social services; working on researches that will help on building professional policies and actions; rendering consulting and assistance services to public administration bodies, private companies and social movements related to social policies and the guarantee of the civil, political and social rights of the community; guiding population when identifying resources for meeting and defending their rights; carrying out visits, technical investigation, reports, information and opinions on Social Service matters;conducting socio-economic studies to identify demands and social needs; performing management functions, in public and private organizations, in the Social Services fields, besides supervising Social Service trainees.